
Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011


A next-generation project by CryTek, makers of the dazzling FPS Far Cry. This game is running on the new CryENGINE 2 technology. The game is one of the the first announced to run on the advanced DirectX 10 architecture.

Set in 2019 after a colossal asteroid crashes to Earth, Crysis begins amidst a tense military standoff between the North Korean and United States governments for control of the impact zone. Amid rising tensions, the asteroid suddenly bursts open revealing a massive alien ship, which begins freezing vast portions of the island and altering the global weather system. The invasion of Earth has begun. Crysis features an epic three-act story of alien invasion where players are able to customize their armor and weapons in real time to confront an ever-changing enemy and a harsh, dynamic environment.

.:: 200 MB Links ::.

Crysis Warhead

 In Crysis Warhead, players will don the Nanosuit of Sergeant Sykes, also known as 'Psycho', one of the most memorable characters from Crysis. More brash and aggressive than his Delta Force squadmate Nomad, players will experience Psycho's parallel story during the events of the original game, finding that life on the other side of the island is even more intense and explosive than they ever could have imagined. Luckily, Psycho's Nanosuit is just as capable and he's equipped with an even bigger arsenal of fully customizable weapons and new vehicles, giving players access to the tools they need to dominate any situation.

Crysis Warhead is a parallel story to Crysis, one of the most critically-acclaimed first person shooters and PC games of 2007. The game is first title to be developed at Crytek's Budapest studio, and built on a new, enhanced and optimized version of Crytek's CryENGINE 2 technology.

 95 MB Links ::.


Crysis Wars

Crysis Wars is the multiplayer suite for Crytek's award-winning Crysis franchise. Typically available as part of the critically-acclaimed Crysis Warhead package, the game segment has also been made available as a downloadable component.

Crysis Wars includes: Three diverse multiplayer modes including InstantAction, TeamInstantAction and PowerStruggle. 21 maps ranging from large battlefields to smaller, more intimate battlegrounds with a diverse array of settings ranging from beaches to graveyards. All weapons and vehicles released within the Crysis Universe. 

.:: 200 MB Links ::.



Name: Homefront
Released: 2011
Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
Issued: Digital Extremes, THQ
Language: English, Russian
Medicine: Enclosing

Homefront - subject-oriented cinematic thriller, in which the script is important. In work on the storyline involved a famous Hollywood screenwriter John Milius ("Apocalypse Now", "Red Dawn") and former U.S. intelligence. The authors have come up with realistic geopolitical scenario in which, by 2025 the U.S. economy will be finally destroyed by the second wave of the crisis, and score political and military power of New Korea (formed through the merger of North and South Korea) will explode over the weakened U.S. nuclear warhead and occupies the west of the country. The American people, who lost the regular army, but not broken, will continue to fight the invaders, leading them against the hard-edged partisan warfare. Their main task - to raise an insurrection in San Francisco, which became the base of the occupying forces.

  • Cinematic thriller with an unusual story - the Americans here are not brave warriors, valiantly supporting democracy in the wrong state, but the defenders of their own dilapidated country. Realistic environment and the reliability of the atmosphere trapped in fighting the enemies of American cities.
  • Futuristic weapons and equipment that have been created by the secret blueprints, the developers received from the Pentagon.
  • Deadly drones - radio-controlled device the size of a toy, employees effective at killing enemies.
  • Unique technology Drama Engine, which changes the game scenario depending on the player's actions - with her you will always be the epicenter of events.
Recommended system requirements:
  • OS (operating system): Windows Vista / 7
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad@2.0 GHz / AMD Phenom II X4@2.2 GHz
  • Memory: 3 Gb
  • Hard Disk: 10 Gb free
  • Video Memory: 512 Mb
  • Video Card: nVidia GeForce GTX 260 / ATI Radeon HD 4850
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible
  • DirectX: 10
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • DVD-ROM drive

Minimum system requirements:
  • OS (operating system): Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo@2.4 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600 +
  • RAM: 2 Gb
  • Hard Disk: 10 Gb free
  • Video Memory: 256 Mb
  • Video Card: nVidia GeForce 7900 / ATI Radeon X1900
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible
  • DirectX: 9.0c
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • DVD ROM Drive
  1. Unpack the release
  2. Mount or burn image
  3. Install
  4. Copy all files from the SKIDROW folder to the game /Binaries/ folder
  5. Play the game
  6. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!
Use the Launcher.exe included with the crack to change languages! Game is ofcourse updated with the latest updated content!

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

NASA Temukan 'Aliran Sungai' di Mars

Kamera High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRiSE) yang ada pada Mars Reconaissance Orbiter (MRO) berhasil menangkap citra guratan pada kawah curam di Mars.

Para ilmuwan mempercayai, guratan tersebut merupakan tanda keberadaan air yang mengalir layaknya sungai.


"Ini adalah air masa kini, bukan yang terdapat di masa lalu," kata Alfred McEwen, pakar ilmu keplanetan dari University of Arizona yang terlibat penelitian ini.

Ia mengatakannya dalam konferensi pers yang diadakan NASA. "Penjelasan paling masuk akal dari hasil observasi sejauh ini adalah aliran air asin," sambung McEwen.

Meski demikian, ia buru-buru menegaskan bahwa hasil observasi yang dipublikasikan hari ini di jurnal Science ini bukanlah bukti keberadaan aliran air secara langsung. Meski demikian, alternatif penjelasan selain air mengalir masih belum ada.

"Membandingkan dengan Bumi, sulit menjelaskan bahwa guratan terbentuk dari aliran zat lain.

Pertanyaannya adalah, apakah ini terjadi di Mars, dan bila ya, mengapa hanya di tempat tertentu," jelas Richard Zurek, pimpinan proyek MRO dari Jet Propulsion Laboratory NASA.

McEwen menjelaskan, dari guratan yang ditinggalkan, tampak bahwa air yang mengalir memiliki kekentalan yang tinggi, membuatnya lebih mirip dengan aliran sirup.

Namun, McEwen menuturkan, "Kami belum tahu salinitas atau keasinan dari air yang mengalir itu."

Guratan-guratan itu merupakan guratan musiman yang terbentuk di musim panas membuat penampakan gelap dan seolah menghilang di musim dingin.

Guratan sudah ditemukan di 7 lokasi dan kemungkinan di 20 lokasi lainnya lagi. Salah satunya ada di sekitar kawah Newton.

Setiap lokasi penemuan kurang lebih memiliki 1000 guratan yang jika dilihat berbentuk seperti jari.

Lisa M Pratt, pakar biogeokimia dari Indiana Univerity mengatakan, guratan yang ditemukan bisa berpotensi menjadi tempat tinggal makhluk hidup, jika memang ada.

Di Bumi, mikroba bisa hidup di air asin yang tak pernah membeku, atau bahkan bisa mengalami dormansi di air beku.

"Ini sangat spekulatif karena kita tidak tahu apakah ada organisme di sana, atau apakah pernah ada sebelumnya," kata Pratt seperti dikutip the New York Times hari ini.

Guratan-guratan pada kawah Mars itu pertama kali terobservasi oleh pelajar University of Arizona, Lujendra Ojha. Ia tengah mempelajari perubahan kecil yang ada di planet Mars ketika akhirnya menemukan struktur guratan tersebut.

"Saya bingung saat pertama kali melihatnya dalam gambar setelah saya memproses dengan algaritma," kata Ojha.

"Tapi kami akhirnya sadar bahwa guratan itu ialah struktur berbeda dari yang ditemukan sebelumnya. Kami melihat bahwa ini struktur musiman dan bisa tumbuh hingga 200 meter dalam 2 bulan," sambung Ojha.

Konfirmasi struktur guratan yang tampak gelap dengan Compact Reconaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) memang tak menunjukkan tanda keberadaan aliran air secara langsung.

Tapi, ini tak menutup kemungkinan adanya aliran air yang cepat kering atau hanya dalam jumlah sedikit di bagian sub permukaan.

Menjelaskan penampakan guratan yang gelap dan kemampuannya berubah menjadi terang, McEwen mengatakan, "Guratan tampak gelap bukan karena aliran air yang basah. Aliran air asin bisa menyusun kembali butiran-butiran atau mengubah kekasaran permukaan sehingga tampak gelap. Bagaimana guratan tampak terang lagi saat temperatur turun, belum ada penjelasan."

McEwen mengatakan, "Ini masih misteri saat ini. Tapi saya pikir ini misteri yang bisa dipecahkan dengan penelitian lebih lanjut."